April 2021
Spring in Briones
On April 23, 2021, The Brionean received a text from PG&E announcing an outage affecting 201 electric meters, a not-infrequent occurrence in Briones. These “201” outages are caused by one or both fuses blown on pole 1711 in the toney Stonehurst neighborhood just inside the comfortable urban boundary of the City of Martinez, where the McMansion dwellers sip chardonnay from glasses washed in city water, heated by natural gas piped from streets with sidewalks, while searching for serenity in streaming entertainment fed from wired broadband. More modern circuits use automated reclosers—circuit breakers on steroids—instead of these primitive fuses. Reclosers can be operated remotely and optionally programmed to retry automatically after a brief delay, typically ⅓ seconds for the first retry, the second and third retries are after longer delays. After a limited number of retries, it is usually programed to lock open. Faults that blow fuses—or open reclosers—are typically caused by vegetation contact with conductors. The resulting blast most often clears the vegetation and leaves the conductor intact.

Here are a few photos for your viewing pleasure.