2023 - Correction
Briones boundary discovered
This is the current map of Briones published by the county.
In adherence to the highest standards of journalistic integrity, The Brionean publishes this correction. The Briones boundary actually had been established in 2004 by action of the CCC Board of Supervisors. This action was in response to a concerted effort by resident activists. This effort was not without controversy, as it faced considerable opposition from other residents, mainly long-time ones who grew up with the Martinez appellation. The Brionean has obtained a collection of original documents chronicling the issue’s history and obtained an exclusive interviews with anonymous sources. They spoke with The Brionean on background to maintain anonymity and speak freely. Opposition to the naming was spearheaded by legacy landowners with substantial holdings north of Alhambra Valley Road. One of those also enjoyed significant political sway before his passing in the early aughts.
One question arises regarding Briones’ geographic unit. Is “Briones” a town in California? The answer is Briones is officially only an “area,” not a town which is synonymous with city, meaning a corporation. “Community” could also be used, informally. For convenient reference, here is the pertinent page from a 1933 British dictionary.
Cell service needed in Briones
Verizon sector antennae, not located in Briones, but needed in Briones, the ramshackle bracketry notwithstanding. (For one thing, it’s missing the upper tube holder, and the pole is too short, allowing the assembly to pitch down and out of alignment.)
Burn After Breathing
EBMUD’s permitted Duffel Decks burn
The alternative? Size reduction and soil production.
Morbark’s magnificent wood grinder, producing the organic ingredient for sublime soil. Courtesy Morbark, LLC.
This is not your father’s tub grinder purchased down at Sears and brought home in a Buick Estate Wagon.
Longer logs are readily handled by a conveyor chipper on a crawler undercarriage. In a year after mixing and rotting, the resulting soil will support a net carbon sink.
Veg Unmanaged